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Snowdon. Armstrong-Jones, Tony.
Snowdon. A Retrospective.
38,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
 Art.Nr.: BF10423

This book presents a variety of his work spanning five decades, from his early reportage of London in the 1950s to his photographs of leading figures in the arts today. Published to accompany the exhibition 'Photographs by Snowdon: A Retrospective' held at the National Portraits Gallery, London. With contributions from Drusilla Beyfus, Simon Callow, Georgina Howell, Parick Kinmonth, Anthony Powell, Carl Toms, and Marjorie Wallace in English language.

Gebunden, Hardcover mit illustriertem Schutzumschlag. 239 (1) Seiten mit 220 Fotografien, davon 80 Farbtafeln. Format 31 x 28 cm. Schutzumschlag mit minimalen Gebrauchsspuren. Gutes Exemplar.

New York. Harry N. Abrams. 2000.
