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Carroll - Cohen, Morton N.
Refections in a Looking Glass. A Centennial Celebration of Lewis Carroll, Photographer.
22,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
 Art.Nr.: BF12694

The photographs in this book reflect Carroll's lifelong fascination with children and their world. These portraits of his child friends were made between 1856 and 1880. Text by Morton N. Cohen. Afterword by Roy Flukinger. Postscript by Mark Haworth-Booth. - 1. edition.

Gebunden, Halbleineneinband mit illustriertem Schutzumschlag. 143 (1) Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. Format 24,8 x 29,5 cm. Schutzumschlag mit geringfügiger Benutzungsspur. Gutes Exemplar.

New York. Aperture. 1998.
