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Andraschek, Iris.
Iris Andraschek. Wait until the night is silent. (signed)
75,00 EUR
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
 Art.Nr.: BF10458

"Iris Andraschek features the self-determined alternative way of life, close to nature, of a community of people in Canada. The photographs taken in 2002 and 2010 alternate between reality and fiction. They depict an almost fairytale-like communitas as a utopian alternative to the constraints of industrial societies with their work, leisure and consumerist regimes. The series from 2002 was created during a residency in Durham, Ontario. The artist returned there again in 2010 to complete this particular work and, now that a certain period of time had elapsed, once again photographed a number of the protagonists and the location itself". - Text von Ester Kinsky in englischer Sprache. Auf dem Vorsatz handschriftlich signiert von Iris Andraschek.

Gebunden, illustrierter Festeinband mit Leinenrücken. 126 Seiten mit 50 Farbfotos. Format 24 x 31,5 cm. Sehr gutes Exemplar.

Salzburg. Fotohof. 2015.
